Start to invent your own school Start to invent your own school
Education Trends

Start to invent your own school

The best way to stay at school always is to invent your own school. Traditional school think of status and certification credentials which allow to to ask more money because they think they can monopolized the community environment. The fact is they have less value in the era of information age. Information age the speed force of transition is so fast that traditional school is always behind. 

The truth is many family believed this is the best for my child future. The future tells us the people who adopt has a bright future. Think of this way before people use typewriter to write a book or any content to share information. 

Today you need computers and website to share your information. The traditional school are the typewriter era while the future of education school are in information age.

The fact is information age moved rapidly. 


The question is how do we use it for our own benefits ? 

What learning tools do you get ?

Do you think formal school is really necessary to build a future for your children?


Parents is just a compass we guide them and help them buy online educational tools that will booster childs future.  The future belongs to your child ask them daily what do they really want to do in life ?  Stop comparing and start moving . .  ..