Advices Coding Website Widgets

Adding webapps using jquery

Adding flavor and more effects to your website is using jquery scripts. It move further advancement when your web apps has jquery.  Most of graphical and colorful bending website are using jquery this gives life and freshness to your website. Their are plenty of opensources resources and community. One of the common community to increasing your development tools is reading in smashingmagazine everyday. It has a thousands of information that will enhance your skills. It has supported Information are free the question is how do you use the information to transform your skills to another level. Leve-up means give time to learn and earning will just follow next.

List of coding tools for your jquery :

TipTip jQuery Plugin
jQuery Slider plugin (Safari style)
jQuery Captify Plugin v1.1.3

Jquery Two Sided Multi Selector

jQuery Keyboard Navigation Plugin
FullCalendar – Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin
Copy to Clipboard with ZeroClipboard, Flash 10 and jQuery

iPhone Style Radio and Checkbox Switches using JQuery and CSS
jQuery UI Selectmenu: An ARIA-Accessible Plugin for Styling a Custom HTML Select Element
A Better jQuery In-Field Label Plugin

Sliding Labels
Login or Signup with jQuery
Slideshows and Galleries

Dynamic Footnotes With CSS and jQuery
Columnizer jQuery Plugin

jQuery Grid Plugin
Dygraphs: Create interactive graphs from open source Javascript library
gMap – Google Maps Plugin For jQuery

jQuery imageless buttons a la Google
jQuery Presentation Plugin
jQuery pageSlide

jqFancyTransitions: jQuery Image Rotator Plugin
A demo of AD Gallery
Pines Notify jQuery Plugin

Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery and CSS

gameQuery – a javascript game engine with jQuery
Mind-blowing JavaScript Experiments